Toothache can affect anyone, both children and adults. Of course, it is very painful when a toothache attacks. Some of the main causes of toothache are cavities, cracked teeth, sore gums, and infection. Even though we brush our teeth diligently, sometimes toothache still occurs. So how do you treat toothache naturally? Here are some traditional toothache medicines that you can try.
Traditional tooth ache medicine From Home Ingredients
When you experience toothache, you will definitely go straight to the dentist to treat the pain you are suffering, right? For those of you who don’t have time to go to the dentist, here are some traditional dental medicines that you can find easily at home that can treat toothache.
1 Garlic
Garlic has antibiotic properties that can treat toothache, using garlic will be very effective in reducing the pain you experience. The method is to mix crushed garlic with black salt then apply it to the part of your tooth that hurts. If you want, chew the onion and salt together because this method is much more effective.
Traditional garlic toothache medicine
2 Cloves
Cloves can be a very effective toothache medicine, this home dental medicine has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties which can help reduce toothache and fight infection. The method is to mix cloves with olive oil then pour it on cotton wool and stick it on your aching tooth. You can also mix a few drops of clove oil into your drinking water for gargling.
3 Pepper And Salt
Getting pepper and salt is certainly very easy, isn’t it? Because pepper and salt are spices that you must have in the kitchen. Pepper and salt are also useful for treating toothache that you are suffering from. You do this by mixing ground salt and pepper and mixing with a little water until it forms like a paste, then rub it on your aching tooth. Do this for several days to prevent the toothache from returning.
4 Salt Water and Warm Water
Salt water has many benefits for the body, including teeth, mixing salt in warm water can reduce toothache. Use this salt water mixture to gargle, because salt has anti-bacterial properties. When the salt water comes into direct contact with your teeth and gums, it can reduce swelling of the nerves. Salt water and warm water are toothache medicines that are often used in our society.
5 Red onion
Shallots are famous because they have antiseptic and anti-microbial properties which can treat toothache. The method is to chew several cloves of shallots for a few minutes. If you don’t like this method, you can cut the shallots into 2 parts then stick them on your aching tooth, wait a few moments. Then gargle with clean water to get rid of the spicy sensation in your mouth.
Shallots are a also Traditional tooth ache medicine
6 Betel leaf
Betel leaves have antiseptic properties that can fight bacteria. Betel leaves are not only used to clean female organs, but these leaves are also able to treat toothache. The method is to boil several betel leaves, then after a while wait until the boiled water cools. Then gargle with boiled betel leaf water ,besides curing your tooth it may also whiten your teeth.
Betel leaves are a traditional toothache medicine
These are some traditional toothache medicines that you can find easily at home. I hope this information is useful.